Characteristics This product is highly effective, water soluble antibiotic powder against gram-positive & gram-negative bacterial infection in pig, cattle and chicken. It contains Doxycycline which belongs to the broad-spectrum Tetracycline antibiotic group, inhibiting the protein synthesis by binding the tRNA of the bacteria. Doxycycline easily penetrates the cell membrane with its high lipophilic properties, rapidly absorbing in the intestine and maintaining the efficiency for a long time.
For the prevention or treatment of the following diseases sensitive to Doxycycline:
  • Pig, Cattle : Diarrhea ( Enteritis ) caused by Salmonella, E. coli
  Pneumonia caused by Actinobacillus ( APP ), Pasteurella and Mycoplasma ( SEP )
  • Chicken : CRD, CCRD caused by E. coli, Mycoplasma and other agents
Cattle / Pig :
  • Administer 0.3 – 0.4g  per liter of drinking water or 0.2 – 0.6g per kg of b.w. in feed.
Chicken :
  • Administer 10 – 20g in 100 liters of drinking water or 15 – 30mg per kg of b.w. in feed.
This product should be stored in a dry and dark place at room temperature ( 1-30 ).
The expiry date is 24 months from the manufacturing date.
1 kg
Withdrawal Period :             Swine - 10 Days
                                               Calf - 14 Days
                                               Poultry - 10 Days

Only administer to designated animals.
Consult veterinarian before use.
Do not use on animals that have hypersensitivity to this product.
Keep away from children.
Only administer the recommended dosage.
Do not administer to a layer chicken or a milking cow.

This product is highly effective, water soluble antibiotic powder against gram-positive & gram-negative bacterial infection in pig, cattle and chicken. It contains Doxycycline which belongs to the broad-spectrum Tetracycline antibiotic group, inhibiting the protein synthesis by binding the tRNA of the bacteria. Doxycycline easily penetrates the cell membrane with its high lipophilic properties, rapidly absorbing in the intestine and maintaining the efficiency for a long time.