As a diarrheal disease caused by pathogenic E. coli infection, poor disease resistance is weak piglets surroundings or insufficient intake of colostrum, winter insufficient thermal insulation, etc. stress occurs in many different factors. Newborn diarrhea (1 week or less), depending on the infection of the newborn piglets days of age, piglets white scour (2-3 weeks), weaner diarrhea and a high mortality rate in the more young age.
1. Agent
   E. coli (ETEC) : toxin production in the gut, causing diarrhea to secrete water and electrolytes into the gut.
2. Epidemiology
   Prevailing in the world.
3. Clinical Signs
   . Newborn piglets diarrhea (less than one week old age) : around 2-3 hours from start to observe and incidence is low, but the mortality is high. Showing watery diarrhea and dehydration is severe mortality. In some cases that show sepsis and sudden death.
. piglets white scour (2-3 weeks) : showed a prevalence of white and morbidity is high but mortality low.
. weaner diarrhea: mainly occur before and after around weaning by a lot of reasons, represents a somber, appetite disappearance, diarrhea, edema disease, etc..


4. Prevention and Treatment
  1) Prevention
   Generally, the cause of the E. coli diarrhea makes thorough hygienic management of the breeding environment because of poor breeding environment.
  2) Vaccination
   In the case of newborn piglets with maternal antibodies through the colostrum implementation it is very important for the prevention of E. coli diarrhea, so it is important to thoroughly vaccinated sows.
Autogeneous vaccine or EㆍE vaccine to vaccinate sows delivered four, two weeks before delivery.
  3) Treatment
   Water and electrolytes by selecting a sufficiently high sensitivity to give a medicament to alleviate the dehydration is administered 3 to 5 days.