Highly contagious, chronic debilitating infectious respiratory diseases and it is very high morbidity whereas mortality is lower.
1. Agent
   In Mycoplasma hyopneumonia infection, the immune system of the respiratory tract is suppressed to facilitate the secondary infections like Pasteurella, APP.
2. Epidemiology
   World wide occurs and induce low productivity.
3. Clinical Signs
   There are many cases of chronic asymptomatic condition to elapse.
Dry cough, fever, anorexia, decreased growth rate, feed efficiency, represents a decrease represents a severe respiratory symptoms, such as when secondary infection of other respiratory diseases.
Autopsy Findings: red induration lesions and healthy part boundary around the area is clear.

4. Prevention and Treatment
  1) Prevention
   Specification management improvement: Swine regular disinfection, proper thermal management and air management
The cleaning with antibiotics in order to prevent vertical transmission group sows.
  2) Vaccination
   G – Myco vac.
  3) Treatment
   The antibiotics are used to prevent the secondary infection, reduce the mortality because treatment is difficult.