The digestive infectious disease in young chicks that is characterized by white diarrhea and high mortality. If the age of the chickens has increased resistance to the disease and symptoms are known to be chronic, but to be a carrier.
1. Agent
Salmonella pullorum
2. Epidemiology
Sporadically occurs in the world.
3. Route of Transmission
① Egg trasmissible spread : infected through stock egg
② feed transmission : Contaminated Animal by-products (Meat-bone or meat poeder) and fishmeal
③ environmental infection: the poultry equipment, air and dust, water, wild birds, rats, insects, people
④ bacterial infection is sometimes called eggshell to penetrate
⑤ uninfected from the infected system to step through the canibalism propagate, spread over the wound
⑥ infection via feces of infected systems
4. Clinical Signs and Autopsy Findings
1) Clinical Signs
The high mortality is characterized by white diarrhea in young chicks, in the case of infections caused by egg transmission, the hatchability for chicks falling significantly and weakened then many die shortly after hatching. Morbidity and mortality vary depending on age, breed and using drugs, the infection degree and white diarrhea in addition to respiratory symptoms, ataxia, neurological symptoms may appear.
2) Autopsy Findings
① When a peracute mortality may not have the visual findings.
② In the case of acute, liver, spleen, and kidney enlargement findings of bleeding is observed, necrotic white spots on liver (common feature), egg yolk malabsorption and cream like or the amount of egg yolk content in cheese is observed.
③ The chicken with respiratory symptoms and sometimes is the white nodule formation, similar to that observed tumor nodules is observed in the case of Marek's disease on myocardium and pancreas. The number of chronic congestion in the liver and ascites is caused due to this. Similar nodules should also observed at gizzard, cecal wall and the large intestine.
5. Prevention and Treatment
1) Prevention
① Since egg transmission disase, to buy a chick from uncontaminated GP farm.
② GP should culling the carrier system thoroughly.
③ To prevent pollution through the formalin fumigation of feed in the incubator.
④ It is important to prevent the entry of bacteria from the outside.