One representative of an acute febrile viral disease, rhinitis, respiratory symptoms, digestive disorders, such as pneumonia, hardness of foot pad, causes symptoms such as nervous. If the mortality rate is also high, indicating strong infectious neurological symptoms is a terrible disease that almost 100% mortality. Many occur in young dogs less than 1 year are eaten occasionally occurs in older dogs.
1. Agent
  Paramyxoviridae Morbillivirus
  RNA virus, Eosinophilic Intranuclear Inclusion Body Formation
2. Epidemiology
  The symptoms of a secondary infection (Bordetella bronchiseptica) are often deteriorating.
3. Clinical Signs
  . General symptoms : The incubation period of 3-6 days, fever (remittent), loss of appetite, weakness, dry eyelids, gum
. Respiratory symptoms : muzzle drying, sneezing, mucus or purulent rhinorrhea (runny nose), cough, pneumonia
. Digestive symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea (sometimes accompanied by mucus or blood)
. Hard pad disease : Chronic elapsed phenomenon sole abandonment and cured (over one month) appears.
. Neurological symptoms : encephalitis virus is causing the nerve to break into, convulsions and head of hypersensitivity, agitation, seizures over, rotation, symptom, such as congestion appears in fits and starts. If the neurological symptoms are expressed prognosis is extremely poor.

4. Prevention and Treatment
1) Vaccination

2) Treatment
   The use of antibiotics or Sulfa to inhibit the secondary infection.
So many dehydration could be seen, the administration of the glucose and the electrolyte will be helpful.